ICO´s 2017 vs Softblc Platform ICO
A new business model for token holders.
Article in English and Spanish. At the bottom of the page you can read the Spanish version.
As it is known, 2017 was the year that cryptocurrencies began to boom, due to the great boom of the ICO’s “Initial Coin Offering”. In this boom, many people tried to create ambitious projects to achieve a fundraising and develop the technology needed. Projects that played with the feelings and financial capacity of speculative investors, offering high returns thanks to the state-of-the-art technology they were trying to achieve. I, Luis Fraga, as well as you, have been victims of the ICO market of 2017/18, making large investments and obtaining a rekt due to the lack of transparency and product quality.
That is why, together with my team, we have been seeking to implement a business model in the ICO industry that allows investors and founders to become aware of the need to provide something of value in real life to all those who intend to give a vote of confidence in a project.
Softblc Platform was born with the ideology of adding value, generating wealth, and empowering investors. Taking advantage of a simple benefit of blockchain technology, we can provide the possibility that any person who trusts the Softblc Platform project can be a Partner and customize their own Online Casino if previously stipulated requirements are met. Requirements that at the same time will bring utility to the SBP tokens, thus being able to obtain a real and functional offer / demand.
At Softblc Platform, being a SBP token holder you can generate income in real life. Customizing your own online casino, creating digital marketing and starting billing. With Softblc Platform providing you with the security of a Legalized casino under Curaçao legislation, which will make your Partner profile fully suitable to operate under our license, it will save you time and money in obtaining your online casino.
Softblc Platform aims to make it possible for all investors other than traders to benefit from a business in real life while holding SBP tokens. In this way, investing in a cryptographic project becomes more feasible, since you will have the opportunity to benefit from the appreciation of the token price and at the same time have a digital business in real life.
Obviously, Bitcoin is already consolidated and day by day there are advances in some really interesting projects; however, we are sure that we need to grant more rights and securities to investors. In the case of Softblc Platform we allow to build a business through work, effort and a minimum investment that can be the dream that we all had when we were little, to be the owners of a casino and in this case of a last generation online casino, with an advanced and sophisticated platform
That is why we want to implement this business model, granting rights and security for investors. Push yourself to change this market and become a Softblc Platform Partner.
🔅 We are in touch🔅
Website: https://softblc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/softblc
Official telegram channel: https://t.me/softblc
Official telegram EN chat: https://t.me/softblc_en
Official telegram ES chat: https://t.me/softblc_es
Medium: https://softblcplatform.medium.com
ICO´s 2017 vs Softblc Platform ICO
Como se conoce en el 2017 ha sido el año que las criptomonedas entraron en auge, debido al gran boom de las ICO´s “Initial Coin Offering”. En este boom muchas personas trataron de crear proyectos ambiciosos para lograr una recaudación y desarrollar la tecnología que planteaban. Proyectos que jugaron con los sentimientos y capacidad financiera de los inversores especuladores, ofreciendo altas rentabilidades gracias a la tecnología de punta que pretendían lograr. Yo Luis Fraga así como tú, también a sido víctima del mercado de las ICO´s del 2017/18 haciendo grandes inversiones y obteniendo un rekt debido a la falta de transparencia y calidad de producto.
Es por ello que junto a mi equipo hemos estado buscando implementar en la industria de las ICO´s un modelo de negocio que permita concientizar a los inversores y fundadores la necesidad de aportar algo de valor en la vida real a todos aquellos que pretendan dar un voto de confianza en un proyecto.
Softblc Platform nace con la ideología de aportar valor, generar riquezas y dar derecho a los inversores. Aprovechando un simple beneficio de la tecnología blockchain podemos brindar la posibilidad que toda aquella persona confiante en el proyecto de Softblc Platform pueda ser un Socio Partner y personalizar su propio Casino Online si se cumple unos requisitos previamente estipulados. Requisitos que a la vez traerá utilidad a los tokens SBP, pudiendo así obtener una oferta/demanda real y funcional.
En Softblc Platform siendo holder de tokens SBP podrás generar ingresos en la vida real. Personalizando tu propio casino online, creando un marketing digital y empezar a facturar. Con Softblc Platform aportando para ti la seguridad de un casino Legalizado bajo la legislación de Curazao, lo que hará que tu perfil de Socio Partner sea totalmente apto para operar bajo nuestra licencia, hará que ahorres tiempo y dinero en obtener tu casino online.
Softblc Platform pretende hacer que todos los inversores que no sean traders, puedan beneficiarse de un negocio en la vida real mientras hacen hold de tokens SBP. De esta manera el invertir en un proyecto criptográfico se hace más factible, pues tendrás la oportunidad de beneficiarse por la valorización del precio del token y a la vez tener un negocio digital en la vida real.
Obviamente el Bitcoin ya está consolidado y día a día hay avances en algunos proyectos realmente interesante, pero estamos seguros que falta otorgar más derechos y seguridades a los inversores. En el caso de Softblc Platform permitimos Construir mediante trabajo, esfuerzo y una mínima inversión un negocio que puede ser el sueño que todos tuvimos de pequeños, ser los dueños de un casino y en este caso de un casino online de última generación, con una plataforma avanzadas y sofisticadas.
Es por ello que deseamos implementar este modelo de negocio otorgando derechos y seguridad para los inversores. Haga fuerza para cambiar este mercado e únete a ser Socio Partner de Softblc Platform.
🔅 We are in touch🔅
Website: https://softblc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/softblc
Official telegram channel: https://t.me/softblc
Official telegram EN chat: https://t.me/softblc_en
Official telegram ES chat: https://t.me/softblc_es
Medium: https://softblcplatform.medium.com